The world of defence is changing

Many critical services across commercial, governmental, and defence & security rely heavily on satellites, fixed, or rotary-wing aircraft. Despite the capabilities these platforms provide, they are often expensive, scarce, or vulnerable. Airlander’s multi-day endurance provides a flexible pseudo-satellite that can create resiliency and build adaptable, mobile services.

Airlander's configuration can host large, powerful sensors; capable systems; and advanced computing & communications systems.

An overview of Airlander's multi-mission capabilities

Powerful communications & surveillance capability

Airlander provides cost-effective airborne data collection, processing and communication for commercial and military applications. Carrying tonnes of systems for days at a time, it provides 10 to 100 times the capability than other surveillance or communications aircraft.


tonne mission payload


days airborne


kilowatt mission power

Airlander has the ability to collect data with a variety of on-board sensors, process and exploit it, and disseminate intelligence across multiple channels. It can simultaneously act as an airborne intelligence command and communications centre.

Airlander is an extremely capable and adaptable asset, particularly when deployed as a multi-aircraft constellation featuring an organic logistics distribution capability. This minimises the need for critical resources and fixed infrastructure, reducing operational predictability and increasing force resilience.

During thirty-six years in Military Intelligence, I saw innumerable initiatives promising to revolutionize the quality of intelligence afforded Army Soldiers and Joint Forces. Almost without exception they delivered, at best, marginal gains at ever-increasing cost. Airlander, backed by an innovative and customer-outcome focused team is a notable exception – world-class capabilities are now available at a fraction of the cost of today’s ISR platforms, addressing essential threats and needs.

Lieutenant General (Rtd) Richard Zahner Former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Warfighting Support, US army

Exceptional tracking, immediate cueing, unbroken audit trail, and continuous coverage...all delivered from a single Airlander. Find out more about our participation in this NATO trial.

Our participation
Multi-mission & multi-domain

Airlander offers a solution that can bring together a variety of sensor types across a broad range of missions. As demand for intelligence increases, this flexibility transforms effectiveness.

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Robust & survivable

By leveraging advanced technologies, Airlander offers a robust platform with lower susceptibility than conventional aircraft and UAVs, alongside high survivability.

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Ready for service - TRL7

With the prototype phase complete, Airlander 10 is now a de-risked platform and HAV is ready to launch the production programme. Equipped and certified aircraft can be in service within four years of programme launch.


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Investing in Hybrid Air Vehicles